Research Personal Sites

Today, I researched personal sites and looked at what I would want my website to look like.

In Ian Ender's homepage, I like how the image fills the screen, however, I didn't like how much text was there. I didnt like how his other useful tabs were included in the text. It made it like a maze trying to find the other pages. 

Anthony Wiktor's page is very easy to digest compared to the others. He had a navigation bar which I would include in my own website. 

Roxine Kee's webpage is what I would expect my website layout to be like. She has an easy home page and easy links to find.

 Callie Schweitzer's website is very plain and simple which makes it slightly boring. I'd probably include much more information on my page and make it more interactive.

This image below is my wire framing layout for my website. The next image that looks like a web is my site mapping which determines the route my pages will follow and go.

 This is my site map.

This is my wire frame.
